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Get Involved: Become an Ambassador


Volunteer Ambassadors provide the dynamic vitality that enables the Center to fulfull its mission of supporting and advocating for persons infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.  


These Ambassadors provide countless hours of volunteer service as they plan programs and fund-raising events.  Like-minded and like-spirited, they are dedicated to inclusive compassion and care for all people in the quest to create an AIDS-free world. Besides fund-raising and community service, they travel at their own expense to help in places like India, Kenya, South Africa, and Malawi.


Headed by Ms. Clietta Terry, Denver-area Ambassadors meet regularly, sharing their experience and expertise for the work and outreach of the Center.  Ambassadors in other locations use their influence to make a difference in their communities and to stimulate support for the Center for Health and Hope.   


Persons interested in becoming an Ambassador should contact

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