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Rwanda--best known for its horrible genocide over twenty years ago--is making great strides forward as a nation with a new emphasis on human rights, the environment, and dealing with HIV/AIDS.  The Center for Health and Hope has sponsored several AIDS conferences, helped the United Methodist Church extend its ministry, and assisted persons living with HIV.  Rwandans have expressed an interest in creating their own West Africa Inclusive Center for Health and Hope.

Combating Poverty, Disease, Inequity

"Twenty-four years after the disastrous civil genocide of 1994 that annihilated an estimated 800,000 to 1 million citizens, United Methodists in the new Rwanda Provisional Conference are committed to a holistic Gospel of restoration and reconciliation.

What the church members — who primarily serve an impoverished rural community — lack in financial resources, they make up for in abundant vision, hope, and a willingness to address societal challenges facing their mission and ministry. 

“United Methodists cannot change what happened in Rwanda’s past,” says the Rev. Marc Baliyanga, dean and legal representative of the Rwanda Provisional Conference, “but we can help shape a better future...”

Read Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Donald E. Messer's full article here.


Support our Rwanda Project!

Your gift will bring life-giving food and support to women in Rwanda.

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